
So, upon parking today in the work remote parking lot for work, I noticed that I parked crooked and wanted to straighten my car. Good luck with that. My battery was TOTALLY dead. Dead, dead, dead... I rushed off to the office as I had a text from my boss that I had a meeting I needed to be at right about that time. So I went back after the meeting. First of all, it's hot messing with that stuff when you are dressed for work. I tried out the little portable car jumper that my parents gave me to no avail. But wait, I couldn't get the back door of the Liberty to open due to the battery issues, so I had to hop into the backseat (I couldn't climb because my skirt is apparently not made for climbing) and stretch over the back seat to reach the jumper thing. I am sure it was an entertaining sight. So I attached the jumper and tried to start the Liberty but all I got was some clicking noise.

Soon enough, help came in the form of two burly guys that were working on the lights in the parking lot. I swear one of the guys looked like Dog the Bounty Hunter with all his hair chopped off and I was very tempted to ask for an autograph. He hopped out of his truck and threw a cigarette off to the side and asked if he could help in his raspy cigarette ravaged throaty voice. So sexy... Anyway, they got my Liberty started, I thanked them profusely, and off I went to the nearest bar... Okay, so I didn't go to the nearest bar but I sure wanted to! I took it over to the auto shop that I frequent - Cunningham's Auto Repair. So that is where my Liberty is now, getting all pampered and rejuvenated.

That leaves me all sweaty and stinky for the office. Ahhhh...lovely. Eeewww...I just licked my arm and it is all salty. Nice... I would just go home but my Liberty is in the shop.


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