The Glass is Half Full

My new mantra. I am working on being a little more optimistic this year, among other things. I was reading some posts on and one poster had for their profile picture a glass of water that is half full (or half empty). It just struck me, because usually I would view it as half empty but for some reason, today, it grabbed my attention. The simplicity of the image and what it made me think about just sucked me in, and I found myself viewing it as half full. What a break through!
On other topics, New Year resolutions will include: getting to work on time; working out at least 5 days per week (cardio and weights); getting fit; eating healthier; and GETTING INTO NURSING PROGRAM!
Oh lord... I have my interview with UT Health Science Center at Houston on the 19th of this month for their accelerated BSN program. It is a one year program that for those who already have a bachelors degree to get their nursing degree and sit for the board exam and become a registered nurse. So, I don't know how hard it is to get in for the interview, but I have made it this far before. However, I was nowhere near prepared for the process last time. This time, I have researched what the interview process consists of (a writing sample, and interview session), what types of questions are usually asked, and done a lot of research on their website for how they view nursing and good catch phrases and ideas to throw into my reasons for wanting to be a nurse. I need to pick out a good interview outfit, or even go buy something new! I am so excited but so nervous. It will suck if they deny me again. I just have to sell myself in the interview.