AAARGH!!!!!! What to do!?

I am at a crossroads. I have just been accepted to an accelerated one year BSN program at UT Health Science Center in Houston and I just learned from my boss that I was supposed to have been promoted this year, but now he is leaving so who knows... I don’t know which way to take.

I am scared that I will not enjoy nursing even though I love blood and guts and all things medical. I just don’t love people all that much. I always say that I would rather be a nurse to animals. However, I am really interested in possibly becoming a hospice nurse, a forensic nurse, oncology nurse…woman’s health. I think I am just afraid of the unknown as I always am, even though every move I have made career wise has been a good one. I should trust myself by now. I am afraid of not having an income for a whole year and starting over in a new career.

My reasons for wanting to go are my love of medicine and a need to help people, to feel fulfilled at the end of the day that I am helping someone. I am tired of the monotony of my current desk job. The same cycle every month. I work in Research Protection for three different research committees (animal care and use, biosafety and hazardous substances). It is very interesting work from the outside looking in and when I describe it to someone, I feel very important, but the day to day minutia of it drains me. I feel my mind turning to mush. There is the possibility of moving up to a management position but not a sure bet. Even if I move up to that, will I enjoy it? Or is it just the feeling important and wearing cute outfits that I enjoy? Sad but true…Oh, and the paycheck is not bad either. But that is no reason to stay where you are.

I want something that is different every day that is hands on – not sitting on your rear all day behind a computer. I am just scared. I have worked in the medical center for 10 year, half of that time as a research coordinator in clinical research studies where I had patient contact daily. I loved working with breast cancer patients. I have a great background in research administration.

I am so scared to take a chance on nursing. I feel like I am not confident enough to handle some of the cockier doctors and some of the intensity of the job.

I have to make a decision soon so that I can offer up my spot to someone else that wants to attend school if I decide that is not what I want to do.


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