What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up?

Here I am, in my 40's, and I have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. How does this happen? This has GOT to be one of the major causes of mid-life crisis. I'm so obsessed with my not knowing, that I just want to hop on a plane to anywhere, and run away from it all. If I moved, I could justify a job change. As it stands, I'm not so sure I can justify it. I have a good job. It's secure. I have great benefits. I've got it down, after four years. Got a good team and a supportive boss. So what's the problem? I just don't like it or believe in the major portion of my work. I work in Quality Assurance in clinical trials. First tip off - people generally do not enjoy the process that is quality assurance. I, in turn, do not enjoy being that person people don't want to see coming. Also, I just don't feel like the current processes are benefitting anyone. However, I know what to expect, and I have loads of vacation time saved up. So what do I do? I apply for another job. Outside of the institution. I get said job offer. I panic. What am I doing? Is this a good idea? Can I do this new job? Do I want to start over?? I can do this new job. It's what my body and mind have been craving for at least three years. I love a good job change. Always have. Until I made one bad move into an unsuitable role, and was subsequently let go because it was not the right fit. What a soul crusher that was! Since then, I've stayed my longest at any single job. Fear is a great motivator sometimes. Also, knowing you've got it good. That's a terrific motivator. So what happens when having it good just isn't enough? Change is good. It's necessary. The new role is a step up, with more management responsibilities. That is what scares me the most. I've met the team and know a few of them from past jobs. They are all great people. I'm scared of managing. However, that is all I get now that I have my BSN and a masters degree. What did I expect? So, I have 24 hours to make a decision. So scared to give up the devil I know. What a ridiculous fear.


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