Invisible Cloak Dreaming
I need an invisible cloak. I am in one of those moods today…this week… that I do not want anyone here at work to come by my cubicle and talk to me. LEAVE ME ALONE! So, if I had an invisible cloak, I could sit here and do my work and no one would feel the need to come by and freaking yap my ear off about stupid shit and then wonder why I look at them like hey are irritating the snot out of me.
I need a break. Already. And I swear, my boss needs to sit his rear in his chair and stop milling about looking for peeps to talk to because he hates everyone else in the office but his group of “girls.” We are all females that work for him and he refers to us as “his girls.” How gross is that? If you knew my boss, you would know how gross that is. Ughh…I think I vomited a little in my mouth. Anyway, so who is he going to talk to but us? Oh joy.
What I also need are a bunch of long range shock collars so that I can put them on the necks of all the people who need to get things done for me that always have every excuse in the book for why they haven’t resulting in my butt getting chewed by my boss and various other people. Oh gee, you had a whole month to get one simple little two page document reviewed but EVERYTHING else that you had to do came before it…boo-hoo…BUZZ!!!!!!!! What a way to change their behavior! Oh how fabulous life would be after that. I am positive it could get way out of hand way too fast…but it’s a lovely dream right?
I need a break. Already. And I swear, my boss needs to sit his rear in his chair and stop milling about looking for peeps to talk to because he hates everyone else in the office but his group of “girls.” We are all females that work for him and he refers to us as “his girls.” How gross is that? If you knew my boss, you would know how gross that is. Ughh…I think I vomited a little in my mouth. Anyway, so who is he going to talk to but us? Oh joy.
What I also need are a bunch of long range shock collars so that I can put them on the necks of all the people who need to get things done for me that always have every excuse in the book for why they haven’t resulting in my butt getting chewed by my boss and various other people. Oh gee, you had a whole month to get one simple little two page document reviewed but EVERYTHING else that you had to do came before it…boo-hoo…BUZZ!!!!!!!! What a way to change their behavior! Oh how fabulous life would be after that. I am positive it could get way out of hand way too fast…but it’s a lovely dream right?