Not Sure What My Problem Is...
Today is just pissed-off Monday for me. I am irritated with quite a lot this morning. I am hungry but don't find it worth while to go get anything to eat. I have a meeting today which I am sure will go horribly, if it even happens at all. I am so extremely over trying to stay politically in my boss' good graces when he is the epitome of politically incorrect and/or chauvanistic. Whatevs. I am so over it. If he could just not say anything to me today I would be eternally grateful. If things could work the way they are supposed to I would be grateful. Feeling like I need a change.
Maybe this craptastic weather has gotten to me or I need a break. I need somthing, that's for sure.
Maybe this craptastic weather has gotten to me or I need a break. I need somthing, that's for sure.