Sniffle Sniffle

I am sooooo incredibly tired. Been sick since Sunday morning with the cold crud. Thank you to whoever gave it to me.

Got invited to an acquaintance's wedding. Don't really want to go seeing as the dude that she is getting married to is an ass. He once put her in a headlock and dragged her down the stairs of their home, among other beatings he has bestowed on her. HELLO!!!! She says he is working on his anger issues and all but I really have issues with this. I really do not want to help her celebrate this and I definitely do not want to stand there smiling away at her new husband thinking "congratulations on your brand new punching bag! Enjoy!!!" ugh...people really amaze me. I mean I put up with some mental and verbal abuse in my previous marriage and it was amazingly difficult to pull myself out of that...I just cannot imagine my lovely husband beating me, dragging me down stairs and such (unless I specifically asked him to). Must plan something else so that I just cannot make it. Trying to talk sense into people in those situations is like talking to a brick wall. So glad I have one of the good husbands.

I am feeling better today but I keep getting this stabbing pain in my right eye and I am extremely tired. I guess I will hold off on working out again today. Save my energy for getting better.

Our house is still in progress. Got a new check from insurance yesterday so there should be a little more progress in the near future on the house. So far, we have new sheet rock, a/c duct work redone, new insulation to replace molded stuff, new countertops in the bathrooms (upgraded to granite) and new roof. We need the flooring replaced and some painting and who knows what else. Can't WAIT to get back to my home!!!!


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