Why?? Why Why Why Why...????
Why should I have to defend myself against stupid people? I know it is just inevitable because stupid people abound in this world but really, I am just here to do my freaking job. I am not here to have to prove myself to the aggressive, blunt, take no prisoners of the workplace. I am not here to have to tell someone above me that they can't say offensive things to me. I am here to fucking do my fucking damn job. Bring it on creep...say something else to me! I am going straight to HR. @#$%%#$%!
And to all of those who think that I am a loser because I didn't do something about it before, put yourself in my shoes. It is really weird when it happens to you.
I wish I could give my notice today and go elsewhere...
FYI - this happened a while ago but my stupid cubicle neighbor is STILL bringing it up to me saying that I should have said something. Bloody hell! It is in the PAST and if it happens again, I will say something. LEAVE ME ALONE!