Time to Lose Weight

While working out yesterday, I could see a small pot belly through my shirt. So sexy. Whatevs...I am trying to eat right again and watch my portions and steer clear of my nightly wine fix.
My cubicle neighbor has the most annoying habits: flossing at her cubicle, talking incessantly, GOSSIPING incessantly, always thinks someone is out to get her, her coughing, her noise making, her humming....pretty much all qualities of her are super annoying.
I am trying to stay happy and carefree, but there are so many irritating things about this place. I think this is a PERFECT time for me to try out my new Yogi Kava Stress Relief tea! Bought this the other day at the store and thought I should try it when I fly off the handle at work, which I just did. Why do I get so wound up? Why do I have such anxiety issues where I feel I cannot take a full breath? I was feeling this way yesterday and all the way home and even a little at home. What makes me feel this way and how can I get it to go away without having to take antidepressants??
Plus, it is embarrassing in hind sight when I have one of my little temper tantrums. I am not sure if anyone else notices it, but I do. I can replay it in my head all day long and feel really crummy about it.
Anyways...more later.