Early Bird Gets The Worm

Yay! Got to work at 6:30 with no traffic issues. So for now on, I will drag my rear out of bed at 5:15 a.m. It is worth it to miss the traffic and then I get to leave work before most others do! Hooray!!! It was surprisingly easy to get up at that time also so it must be my optimal wake up time.
Anyhoo...what else? I tried to go by the library yesterday but it was closed. Maybe today. Need to pick up a couple of books including "Life's a Bitch and Then You Change Your Career." I must do something about my level of boredom at my current career.
The insurance adjuster came by this weekend and it went surprisingly well. We thought it would be a huge hassel and it really turned out to be alright. It seems from what the adjuster said that all of our damage will be covered, which means major renovations in the form of new ceilings, new floors, new roof, possibly new walls, new doors...on the back end of our house. At least they will do all the work instead of us!
Guess I should get something productive done...send out some emails to let everyone know how early I was at work!