Where He Stops, Nobody Knows!

Ike is twisting and turning and churning his way through the gulf. We will see where he ends up. He keeps toying with the entire Texas coast…maybe here, maybe there…who knows! I for one will not be evacuating although a portion of Brazoria County is already under voluntary evacuation. PANIC! I know, I know…the evacuation order is just to keep everyone on the safe side, but there is no way that Pat and I are evacuating. We never even heard of such a thing back in the old days, unless you lived on Galveston Island.
Anyway, I must go to Spec’s and stock up on wine for the big event. I also need to go to the store and stock up on soup.
I have been diligently cooking the frozen foods in the freezer so that they don’t all go bad. Luckily we don’t have a freezer full of meat, meat, and more meat like my mom. She always had this separate freezer that was chock full of all kinds of meat and stuff and I always wondered how in the hell anyone could ever eat all that stuff. I mean she should have donated it to a shelter or something, there is just no way to eat it all. I bet you anything that there is still stuff in there, crammed way back in the back, from when I was in junior high. Scary thought, as I happen to know for a FACT that she had a few cow’s tongues in there when I was growing up from her parent’s cattle. I have no idea if she ever fed that to us or not… she would always giggle and smile when I asked about it.
No, we just have some fish, a lot of frozen broccoli and edamame, and some bottles of liquor. And last but not least, the top portion of our wedding cake! AWWWWWW….sniff…..sigh…
We are totally prepared for a power outage with our generator, courtesy of my survival man husband, and our trusty camping propane grill, not to mention oodles of candles. Totally prepared to burn the house down! I need to make sure the camera is charged up. This screams of awesome photo ops!
Anyway, I must go to Spec’s and stock up on wine for the big event. I also need to go to the store and stock up on soup.
I have been diligently cooking the frozen foods in the freezer so that they don’t all go bad. Luckily we don’t have a freezer full of meat, meat, and more meat like my mom. She always had this separate freezer that was chock full of all kinds of meat and stuff and I always wondered how in the hell anyone could ever eat all that stuff. I mean she should have donated it to a shelter or something, there is just no way to eat it all. I bet you anything that there is still stuff in there, crammed way back in the back, from when I was in junior high. Scary thought, as I happen to know for a FACT that she had a few cow’s tongues in there when I was growing up from her parent’s cattle. I have no idea if she ever fed that to us or not… she would always giggle and smile when I asked about it.
No, we just have some fish, a lot of frozen broccoli and edamame, and some bottles of liquor. And last but not least, the top portion of our wedding cake! AWWWWWW….sniff…..sigh…
We are totally prepared for a power outage with our generator, courtesy of my survival man husband, and our trusty camping propane grill, not to mention oodles of candles. Totally prepared to burn the house down! I need to make sure the camera is charged up. This screams of awesome photo ops!