So, yesterday as I was digging through my old files at home trying to find my information about nursing degrees so I could think about applying again, I ran across my Meyers Briggs MBTI personality type test results. I am INFP personality type. I already had a book about trying to discover your personality type by yourself, and I was a little bit off on my findings. After reading up on INFP, I do feel that is the correct type. Anyway, it totally explains my need to be alone sometimes and to have space and why after spending so much time with my wonderful husband, I want to gnaw my arm off and escape for some solitude. It also explains why I get so bent out of shape by criticism and such and how I need to release my creative energy in the form of writing. Most importantly, it explains why I feel so stifled in my career. I need to find something more to do with my life. Bureaucracy is KILLING me slowly! So now I need to find out what to do with myself.
I fantasize about quitting my job TODAY, piercing my nose, chopping my hair off in some bizarre cut and running away to some tropical island to “find myself.” So my question is this: Do I pursue nursing and become some type of educator or go for psychology and do counseling OR do something totally different like holistic healing or something crazy like that? Just think, if I went with holistic healing, I could be all weird and eclectic and dress accordingly…ahhh the possibilities. Can I quit my job today please? My insides are rotting as I sit, the computer monitor sapping my soul of all of its happiness, leaving me only a bland, withered corpse on autopilot.
It’s true, money cannot buy you happiness.
I fantasize about quitting my job TODAY, piercing my nose, chopping my hair off in some bizarre cut and running away to some tropical island to “find myself.” So my question is this: Do I pursue nursing and become some type of educator or go for psychology and do counseling OR do something totally different like holistic healing or something crazy like that? Just think, if I went with holistic healing, I could be all weird and eclectic and dress accordingly…ahhh the possibilities. Can I quit my job today please? My insides are rotting as I sit, the computer monitor sapping my soul of all of its happiness, leaving me only a bland, withered corpse on autopilot.
It’s true, money cannot buy you happiness.
Which ever field you choose I think you'll do awesome. Go for it!!!