
So I had this dream where I was cleaning out my cat, Nermal's, water bowl. It was super dirty, since Nermal has been dead for about 7 years and at the times he died, she was 21 years old. Anyway, we were in my bathroom at mom and dad's house (which is where I always kept her food and water...don't ask). Okay, since you asked, I loved that cat something awful so I fed and watered her in my room far away from the other "mangy" cats that we had, since they didn't get along...maybe cuz she was raised as an elitist?? Anyway, so her water bowl was really crusty and gross so I was scrubbing out the crusty brown stains in the bottom of the water bowl...scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing, and the brown stains gave way to these salamanders that started appearing in the sink. LOTS of salamanders. Copious amounts. It was really weird. They started out as dried out things and they slowly started turning into big slimy salamanders.
So what I did was I gathered them all up and stuffed them in my shirt (not sure why) and started walking around outside with all these salamanders in my shirt. Oh and let me mention that I did not have a bra on so it also qualifies as a "not fully dressed" dream because I was walking around trying to make sure no one could tell I didn't have a bra on. So I am walking and walking and the salamanders are writhing around under my shirt. Why they don't fall out my sleeves, I don't know. Finally, I get to the point where I just have to release them. I am not sure where I was taking them originally, I think I was walking them to a facility to keep them at and decided that they needed to be free...for some reason that is sticking out... But I couldn't go on with the slimy buggers writhing around under my shirt, so I finally decided to deposit them at this really dessert-dry ditch with no water in sight. I just started grabbing handfuls of them out of my sleeves and putting them down on the ground until I had finally removed all of them. All the while, I was worried that they didn't have enough water around to survive the heat...
So what does that mean??