Post Secret Sadness

This is the saddest Post Secret post I have ever seen. I just saw it today and it makes me want to cry because it reminds me of when my baby Tomlet was put down. I loved that baby so much and it was such a hard thing to do but it was the best for him. But it was sooo excruciating to be in the room for the process. I remember the details of it all the time and I hate remembering it. I don't even know why I am posting the card on my site because I can't even bear to look at it without crying. This post has just reopened a huge gaping hole in my heart but it's okay. I think every day when I hold my Friday that a part of Tomlet is in her. I know it sounds ridiculous and CRAZY but I swear he is there. Friday is such a fabulous doggy, so sweet and loving. Such a cuddle bug and sometimes, when she licks me, her tongue feels a little sandpapery just like a cat's tongue. Seriously people...Tomlet lives on and is oh so happy. But really, Friday is the most wonderful baby and I am so happy to have her and happy to know that, to quote one of the other Post Secret entries, when you lose something good it makes room for something better.
Call me crazy, I don't care. I blame Post Secret for this latest installment of Crazy Lady from Nutsville (and maybe a little blame on the wine I had last night).