What the????
I am listening again to the sounds of the weirdo’s that I work with. Yesterday, the topic was how strippers wear some kind of perfume that contains pheromones that gets all over the guys clothes and is hard to wash out. “that’s why that stuff stays on their clothes..you can’t wash that out…it stays around for days!” Ummm…does she know because she used to be a stripper? She once told me that she should have been a stripper when she had a slimmer figure. Oh the inappropriateness that is her. Her paired with another weirdo equals perv-tastic infinity. Oh so creepy.
Anyway, now one has asked “have you ever heard of the word glibly?” SERIOUSLY??? OMG… Anyway, so Her answers, “that means you are being misleading”. Ummmm… NO. It just makes me laugh...