Operation Life Happiness is Underway
So I am trying my best to figure out what it is that would make my life fulfilling to me. I know that my current position is not what makes me happy. Financially, it is rewarding, but that is about it. So, I need to do some legwork. I am pursuing the ultrasonography career goal but at the same time, I am trying to get some volunteering in. I just called the Houston Hospice and some information will be sent to me. I would need to complete 30 hours of training first, which I think is very important, and then I could start volunteering. I am really drawn to the hospice idea. I want to do something where I am actually helping someone who really needs it. There is something there that is pulling me to it very strongly. Who knows, maybe ultrasonography is not my calling and something in the hospice arena is. I am very excited about this and hope that the idea of completing some training DVDs on my own would work in combo with attending a couple of Monday sessions from 9:30-2:30...
For so long, I have been striving for financial pinnacles and reaching for the next big thing to make me successful in life, but I am seeing that it is not my personality to try to be the one with the fancy job and such. All that search is doing is exhausting me and not making me happy in the least bit. I need a job that is fulfilling and means something to me personally. I need something that provides stability and money, yes, but moreover, I need something that lets me reach someone on a personal basis. If I can find that and make half of what I make now, I think it would be worth it.
This is what has been missing in my life that I keep looking for. Why I continuously read about my personality and what makes me click. Why I am hopping from job to job. It takes more than money to be happy and being an administrator is not it!
Maybe I will just have to incorporate volunteering as a permanent part of my life, but wouldn't it be great to work somewhere that fulfilled me? What a concept...
For so long, I have been striving for financial pinnacles and reaching for the next big thing to make me successful in life, but I am seeing that it is not my personality to try to be the one with the fancy job and such. All that search is doing is exhausting me and not making me happy in the least bit. I need a job that is fulfilling and means something to me personally. I need something that provides stability and money, yes, but moreover, I need something that lets me reach someone on a personal basis. If I can find that and make half of what I make now, I think it would be worth it.
This is what has been missing in my life that I keep looking for. Why I continuously read about my personality and what makes me click. Why I am hopping from job to job. It takes more than money to be happy and being an administrator is not it!
Maybe I will just have to incorporate volunteering as a permanent part of my life, but wouldn't it be great to work somewhere that fulfilled me? What a concept...
"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe." - Anatole France
"This one step- choosing a goal and staying with it- changes everything." - Scott Reed
Believing in yourself is a most important part of accomplishment- you just remember that as you are coming to terms with what makes you happy. I'm supporting you in whatever you do!!