
you just want to kick your creepy boss in the ding-ding...but then you realize that you would have to burn your shoe for coming in contact with that vile man, much less contact with that area of that vile man. So you have to resort to plan B, construct a shank out of the broom from the break room. OR, buy a very cheap, very pointy pair of boots specifically for purpose of kicking creepy boss in the ding-ding. I can't decide which would be better but am leaning toward the broom stick shank, mostly because it would allow me to remain as far away from him as possible.
Maybe, if he actually goes over my evaluation with me, I can tell him that I would appreciate it if he would not talk about creepy things like porn or spooning in front of me or to me EVER AGAIN. Come on, grow some balls girl and slap him in the face with them! He is such a slime. So why does everyone let him get away with it? I dunno...
My stomach hurts. I blame salmonella... and I think one of my readers knows what I mean by that... heh... smooches my dear. Sorry I couldn't be bothered to help you clean the counter last night as I was drowning my indecision in a bottle of red wine so that I could decide between nursing or sonography...and you know how that goes...
I have also decided that if Friday had a favorite song it would be Lynard Skynard's "That Smell". She just loves any and everything stinky!