Almost Friday!

Just love this you can see, Pat and I were having a fabulous time. I particularly like his cute giggly face in this pic...
Update on the coffee I had the other day: I poured the rest down the sink because I could not handle it and I found a chunk of Pineapple in it... WHAT THE HELL??? My friend who got the same exact drink did not have pineapple in his... this is very strange. I think someone tried to poison me. It didn't work, I am still here. So take that!!!
Woke up with a crick in my neck this morning which made the drive in extremely interesting. I tried to dance along to the CD I burned last night and every time I would really get into it, OUCH!!! So I was rubbing my neck as I drove which apparently was a highly exciting scene as some dude in a truck in the next lane kept craning his neck to watch the show. I will say that it has been a while since I have had the random guy in the next lane checking me out on the way in to work and I was beginning to think I had lost my edge, so this was actually a welcome irritation! I am surprised I didn't have a wreck as I couldn't look over my right shoulder for lane changes. Thank goodness for my guardian angel!
I have to give in and go to lunch with some certain creepy people in my office. I have been avoiding them and now I must give in. They have noticed that I am avoiding them, and have noticed my foul mood, and have begun to ask about it. Normally it would not matter, but the peeps include my boss. Ugh... I think I am in the proper mood to handle their bizarre comments today though. Deep breath...think happy thoughts.
Guess I will try to get something done...