Two Day Work Week

This week is a two day work week for me. Yippeee! Although I do feel guilty because that is what I do – it just seems like so much time off. I had originally planned to take Thursday and Friday off to hang out in New Braunfels with the family. I am also taking tomorrow for a not so fun event but I need to be there to show my support. Pat’s sister’s mother-in-law passed away after a long fight. She is now out of pain and on to a better place. Pat really wants me to be there, so I am going. So, the upside of it all is my two day work week. Really, I believe everyone will survive here without me and if not, I can always come in tomorrow once we return from San Antonio to tie up some loose ends.

The thing about me being out for so long is that I am the one person in the office that handles my committees. There are no others on my team. So my boss will have to pick up the slack in my absence. I doubt there will be too much slack. Things are not that crazy at this time. STOP WORRYING!!!

Went shopping over the weekend and Pat is an amazingly good shopper! He was so helpful in helping me pick stuff out and in making me buy it. I must bring him along more often! I loathe shopping but having someone along to help me is always welcome if I am in the proper mood to fork out some dough. His major motivation? To stop my whining every morning when I stand in the closet for 15 minutes moaning about how I don’t have anything to wear to work and also the hoochie pants episode last week. ;)


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