Mockingbirds and Clams

I am high on Excedrin Migraine and a cup of coffee. It’s the best thing about my monthly cramp-fest. If I take the Excedrin Migraine in time, it heads off the pain. So, I have an extremely fabulous high on life morning because of it. I couldn’t do this everyday, you see, because then I would be addicted to it. But once per month is just right because it replaces a crappy cramp day with a happy jolt day! YAY! I have “Mockingbird Syndrome” – so named for the morning that Pat and I were trying to sleep but a little Mocking bird outside our window kept squawking and squawking on and on…so now, when one of us keeps talking and talking with no end in sight we are said to have Mockingbird Syndrome. There you have it. A new term.
OMG…the cackling IT Project Manager guy DRIVES ME NUTS! I hate it when he comes to talk to me…I am antisocial, yes. It should be understood and embraced. Let me explain the IT guy…he cackles about anything and is a nervous laugh and when he does it, I just want to run away but I am always cornered in my cubicle or a meeting with him. When he talks to me, I get all twitchy and panicked because I just want him to go away and leave me alone but he won’t. I just have to endure it until he finally gives up and walks away. Usually I can get rid of him by talking about something that he does not want to talk about which includes office politics, how insanely horrible the computer program is that my institution bought, or how he may potentially not enjoy his job. These topics can clam him up like nobody’s business and now that I know this, I use it to full potential. It’s good to know these things! I just have to bring one of these up and he stops talking, looks disappointed, and walks away waving his hands in the air like – I can’t believe you are talking about this. Always turn a bad situation into a good one! Now if I could only find the clam-points on my cubicle neighbor…
OMG…the cackling IT Project Manager guy DRIVES ME NUTS! I hate it when he comes to talk to me…I am antisocial, yes. It should be understood and embraced. Let me explain the IT guy…he cackles about anything and is a nervous laugh and when he does it, I just want to run away but I am always cornered in my cubicle or a meeting with him. When he talks to me, I get all twitchy and panicked because I just want him to go away and leave me alone but he won’t. I just have to endure it until he finally gives up and walks away. Usually I can get rid of him by talking about something that he does not want to talk about which includes office politics, how insanely horrible the computer program is that my institution bought, or how he may potentially not enjoy his job. These topics can clam him up like nobody’s business and now that I know this, I use it to full potential. It’s good to know these things! I just have to bring one of these up and he stops talking, looks disappointed, and walks away waving his hands in the air like – I can’t believe you are talking about this. Always turn a bad situation into a good one! Now if I could only find the clam-points on my cubicle neighbor…