Oh No He Didn’t…
So I see crazy IT guy sauntering down the hallway with a really insane smile on his face and you can tell he is softly giggling to himself…I think he has totally lost it. Then he comes into the break room and asks me what he did wrong. ??? I’m thinking, ummm…I don’t know, you tell me. I just told him that he looked like he had lost his mind is all. No reply, he simply opens the refrigerator, bends over to get his food out and in the process, OPENS MY FOOD BOX that I had just placed in there to see what was in it before getting his food out. I thought maybe he was confused and thought my food box was his, but no, the food container that he grabbed looked NOTHING like mine. AT ALL! Ugh.. Why? I was about to say something, it was on the tip of my tongue, but I decided it was not worth the bother. Just run away while you can. To witness his eating is extremely disturbing. He totally smacks and chews with his mouth open and speaks with his mouth full. Such an unsightly vision. So glad I already ate. Guess I will throw out my leftovers. The worst part about this guy is that he really is a nice guy – just really annoying – which makes me feel even worse about being annoyed by him.
On a creepy subject for some readers... Bennett was breastfeeding one day and he was being lazy about it and made a smaking/slurping sound. It totally cracked him up! I was trying to get him to do it again, but he couldn't. Silly kid.