
So I am going for sushi afterwork with Michelle and Olga. Yay!! This gives me strength to resist the donuts in the breakroom. We have donuts in this office at least once a week. It's out of control.
Work work work... Must get a lot of work done today. I suppose I better get to the program testing so I can have something useful to say tomorrow when we meet.
On another note, the insurance adjuster comes on Sunday. He was supposed to come today but canceled on us because of a "mandatory meeting" he must attend today. That kind of makes me nervous... Oh well. I guess we will see what happens. I just want my house back to normal so we can stop worrying about it.
Sushi, sushi, sushi bar! going to a sushi bar! sushi, sushi, sushi bar! going to a sushi bar! sushi, sushi, sushi bar! going to a sushi bar! sushi, sushi, sushi bar! going to a sushi bar! I wanna go
To a sushi bar. I wanna go with you. hamachi, ika, ebi, tako. maguro, kaibashira. how about this friday night? I can't wait to go. anago, uni, toro, natto. unagi, akagai. ooo, how nice! healthy
It's my favorite japanese meal. ooo, colorful art of the food. it's a beautiful japanese meal. sushi, sushi, sushi bar! going to a sushi bar! sushi, sushi, sushi bar! going to a sushi bar! I wanna go to a sushi bar. I wanna go with you. ikura, battera, salmon. tamago, saladamaki. which one shall I order first? I just can't choose. kappa, anakyu, tekka. sayori, kazunoko. ooo, let's eat a he
Menu. it's a famous japanese meal. ooo, let's drink hot green tea after a japanese meal. sushi, sushi, sushi bar! going to a sushi bar! sushi, sushi, sushi bar! going to a sushi bar! sushi, sus
Ushi bar! going to a sushi bar! sushi, sushi, sushi bar! going to a sushi bar!