Help Me!!

I am sooooo bored! and it is only 9:00 a.m. What in the world am I to do with my day? I will find something I suppose. Maybe I will rearrange my desk and take several walks.
I have nothing to even blog about.
I am such a negative person and I fear I will drive my sweet happy husband away if I continue on as a grump. I need a severe personality adjustment.
Maybe I will re-organize all of my files. Must stay away from the Cheetos!! When bored, they suck me in! AAARRRGHHH!
And, are you serious??? Cheetos lip balm?? This sounds strangely good yet icky...just like chocolate ice cream with cheeto crumbles on top (my idea).
PS- we all go through these boredom fits at work. I had one Friday and Monday, and maybe today :)