So what if I only have a bachelor degree...

It's better than nothing. Why do I have this constant need to put myself down just because I have not gone back to school for something else? I wish I would get over my freaking annoying insecurities. They are so annoying! Why won't they go away and leave me alone? Just GO AWAY!!!! But nooooooo...they cling to me like saran wrap, suffocating me. I imagine they are a dark purpley-green swirly color, and not in a pretty way. Like creepy dark shadow people always in my background, tapping me on the shoulder and saying "don't forget to feel crappy about yourself today!! You don't have a fancy highfalutin job/title/advanced degree...." Why does it matter so much to me? I have a few theories. My dad is the same way and I am totally just like him with all the pre-packed insecurities and neuroses. Not that he can help it, so I can't really hold him responsible. My other theory is the creepy dark shadow people who enjoy torturing me from the depths of my empty mind.
I think I might be just a tad bit insane, but isn't that good news? That means I should be pursuing a writing gig because studies have shown that the more tortured and depressed an individual is, the more creative they are (for some reason that I don't remember), which I have always firmly believed. So I should be a relatively okay writer. I just need to cultivate that talent. How awesome would that be? Then I could be full-on CRAZY. I need to go shopping for the perfect hat and scarf to wear while I write - to put me in the mood. Oh how lovely that would be! I suppose the next step in my weird journey is to sign up for a creative writing class. I need to see if my creepy shadow people can come to the class for free or if I have to pay for them too. They need to start earning their keep. I refuse to pay their way forever.