Happy Anniversary to Me!

Yay! Pat and I have made it through one year of wedded bliss together! What better way to celebrate the anniversary than to have at least one tiny rain shower today to mark the occasion. We must have rain every anniversary. I know this will be a tall order, but it sure would be neat if it happened.
Here I sit at work in the lovely peace and quiet that will be shattered in the next 20 minutes when everyone starts to trickle in and start their days. If only I was the only one in the office, how lovely that would be!
Another lovely thing would be for this hay fever to go away!


Neven said…
ah so you guys are the reason it's raining... ok so now I don't mind so much!

Death to Facebook! Hahahaha! I also found out that a bunch of those girls who JP knows have them and I searched and they all have this like really posed pictures of themselves... yeah I'm over Facebook... Long Live Blogger!!! =)

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