Monday...that's about it.

Got a hair cut on Saturday and surprise, surprise, I actually love it. Usually there is about a one week break in period but this one is pretty good. Went to the same chick I always go to even though she has cancelled on me twice, but she at least got me in at a good time on Saturday morning, so I was okay. Got my halloween costume squared away for the costume party I am going to this weekend. I will be 80's Bar Fly. I started out just going to be a bar fly but I had to throw the 80's mix into it. heh... Will post a pic. Wings, antenna, leggings, and rad 80's shirt are included...
At work. It's a quiet week. Still doing fairly well on the eating right thing. Although I want a big chocolatey candy bar or a bag of cheetos (both??) right about now to conquer my boredom.


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