Let's Try This Again

So my first two posts of the day were total trash and I erased them. Too much neurotic wimpering about how I dislike myself and want to be a part of the Heathers group that exists in my office. Upon posting them and then going back and reading them, I felt a tad bit uneasy about leaving them up. I felt it was better saved for a therapy session if I ever go to one.
Anyhoo, it is finally Friday but the time is drifting slowly by. I have some program description work to do but how boring is that? Friday's are days for putting things off!
Still no word from insurance, so I get to continue on in denial while our house is a mess but at least my world is not a mess until we get our insurance money and begin to have contractors rip our house up and rebuild various parts. When that rolls around, I will not be happy.
I am wearing all grey today and I think that may have a bit to do with my sour mood. Plus, I caught myselt telling Pat way too much yesterday (like I can feel my belly jiggle when I walk) and I think I may have shared too much... I never know where to draw the line so that I don't say something disgusting about myself that could drive my husband to start viewing me as disgusting. Oh pooh...I am such a worrier.
I miss my Happy Hangover Fridays, but alas, time has caught up with me and I just can't hang like that anymore.
Is it 4:00 yet???? Please????????


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