
Next, I enter the break room to make myself a cup of instant coffee. To my irritation and surprise, some lazy louse cannot walk two steps to the trash can to throw away their empty sugar packets so they continue to throw them into the bowl with the UNOPENED sugar packets. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE????? I do not understand. Someone please help me understand. So I clean up their mess and make it a point to talk about it to no one in particular about how we work amongst pigs.
Enough of that. I will enjoy my cup of coffee and have a great day knowing that I at least have more manners than these idiots do and that I can talk trash about them on my blog. Happy day!
At least it can be said that the girls I work with are clean in the restroom. THANK GOD! I have worked in too many places where the females behave like they are in a truck stop restroom, throwing toilet paper here and there and peeing all over the seat and doing who knows what else… So I definitely have something to be happy for at this office!
My final note is that I went to the café to get a little breakfast and there were two young maintenance guys in line in front of me. They were so shy and so scared of me, it was so endearing! Ahhhh…I love to scare young men! Feel the power!
One of the ladies put up hilarious little posters about cleaning up after yourself and rude it was to not brew the next pot. Took a couple of months but people figured it out.
Too bad I don't have those posters to give to you!