
What kind of moron goes to an eye appointment in the middle of the day and expects to go back to work afterward? Me. I have not been to the eye doctor in over 20 years and decided to go since my vision is blurry sometimes and I keep running into things on my right side. Anyway, the check me out and then ask if I want to do the exam where they dilate your eyes and all and I decided I ought to on the off chance there is something really wrong lurking in the back of my eyes. There wasn't. Perfect vision...I just stare at the computer too long during the day.
So now, here I am with an hour and a half left to the day and I can only type this because I know what I am thinking in my head. I don't have to read anything. I guess I should just go home but my boss is out today. I should just email him.

Man, this sucks not being able to see anything up close.


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