Office Life

So many different many people that would not normally associate with each other. life. One chick in the office is ruffling a lot of feathers. She is the type of person that wants the maximum out of the minimum amount of work. The type of person who it sucks to have on your team. Luckily, I work alone. I do not have a team and I wouldn't have it any other way, because inevitably, on a team, you have one like her. Did I also mention that she is catty and irritating? So we all go to the gym here at work and it is a very small gym with only one working eliptical machine. So I like the eliptical and I use it for about 30 minutes every time I go. So she has an issue with this and as opposed to just talking to me about how she would like to use the eliptical too or how we should go at separate times, she makes catty remarks to someone else, loud enough for me to hear, that there should be some sign or policy put up in the room that people can only be on a machine for 15 minutes at a time. Seriously??? So stupid. So the dude she mentions this to is all " we can't do that." Why?? because it is a freaking ridiculous request, that's why. Fat ass idiot. Whatev. I hate going with the others in the office anyway, so I had already taken it upon myself to go at a different time anyway. F her. She is the one that is going to irritate the piss out of me today. Oh and did I mention that on the way to the gym, she is one of those that takes the elevator up ONE floor...on her way to the gym. HA! Now tell me what kind of workout she is going to get??? Yeah...uh huh. I don't care if this is mean. Her type deserves it. Be nice to people and they will be nice to you. Be a bitch and you get what's coming.


Neven said…
heads up... next she'll say something catty about you going at a different time.


Hope you have something fun planned for tonight/weekend... you deserve it! week-o-crazies!

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