Happy Hump Day

and for my happy hump day, a moron decided to hump my Jeep Liberty with his Jeep Grand Cherokee this morning on the way in to work. Yay! What a freaking fantabulous damn day. That idiot was doing everything he could think of EXCEPT for paying attention to driving his damn car. I was watching him and noticing this and thinking "he's totally going to hit me...". I watched him as he appeared to be licking an envelope but then it looked like he was putting a cigarette in his mouth but maybe that was a pen for addressing the envelope...and then he was looking around every which way BUT THE ROAD IN FRONT OF HIM... So I got guess I got bored/irritated with watching him and stupidly stopped checking my rear every other second, lulling into a false sense of security and WHAM! He freaking slams into my rear. AAARGH!!!!! I am sitting there stopped in bumper to bumper traffic. Seriously, not going over 15 miles per hour here and I look up into the rear view and the moron is barreling up my a-hole and all the while looking in his LAP! Seriously??? I couldn't even think of what to do. Honk my horn was the first thought but that would have done no good. What I should have done was veer to the left and slammed the gas to propel me into the median. I guess my brain doesn't work that well. At least I wasn't propelled forward to hit the car in front of me.
So I pull off to the side of the road, cursing this idiot all the while and waving my arms wildly. Got out of the car and cussed him out telling him that he was doing everything else BUT driving to which he responded "I was driving." OMG...totally screwed the back door of my Liberty, the spare tire and the bumper. I continue to cuss at him here and there and finally, halfway through my insurance call, he weakly manages "I'm sorry, I was looking at my phone..." No shit! You were obviously not looking at the road. Nothing irritates me more than being rear ended. Such a freaking pain in the ass. If my car is affected by this in any way other than cosmetically, I swear, I am going to go insane.
I hate idiot drivers.


Neven said…
OMG! I'm so sorry!!! what a total a-hole!

I hope it's only cosmetic... maybe with some luck his rates will go through the roof!

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